This is how I often introduce myself. ShoreToBeFun (no spaces) is my company.
I’m a Fine Art Photographer that create Fine Art photos of people, places and things. These photos can be featured on your Wall, your business Website, your Social Media, or in the hands of that special someone in your life.
LET’S Connect:
LinkedIn ShoreToBeFun – ShoreToBeFun – SGAtkinson – ShoreToBeFun
For the past several I have been freely sharing photographs of events, running an online Calendar of Events for the Delmarva Peninsula & the Shores of the Chesapeake Bay, and more recently posting Art and Entertainment News for the Delmarva Peninsula at ChesaDel Crier.
I look at myself as having three branches of my business world. One of those branches are publishing the informational Web sites, the ChesaDel Crier and Shore Crier.
As a Photographer I have two additional branches. One is as Fine Art Photographer. At Delmarva Scenes – I am selling photos that I have taken throughout the Delmarva Peninsula as Prints, on Calendars and Greeting Cards.
The third is as a Personal Brand Photographer/Consultant. I can assist you in finding and developing your Personal Brand. Work with you at optimizing your brand at many levels. Or with just being your photographer if that is all your need.